
Monday, April 18, 2011

3H6 Dramaturg signing off.

Now that Henry VI has closed, I can officially sign off this blog. It has truly been a privilege to work on this show, and I look back on my work as part of the production with pride. I leave you with some final reflections on my work, and an ernest hope that any dramatugs who read this blog will find some value in its content.

Here are some reviews of my dramaturgy from the actors themselves, which I asked them to provide through an anonymous survey:

1.Well done. The videos were great, but I wouldn't suggest making that the primary source. The combination of both writing and video was very successful.

2. Excellent job in a difficult setting Your research was relevant and playable--that's an actor's dream come true

For complete survey results, follow this link:

Finally, if you would like to access my dramaturgy packet, go to this address:

This is Paul Rycik, signing off.